John Karr via plug on 12 Jan 2021 15:43:40 -0800

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[PLUG] Is there a better alternative LATEX?

I've been working on a long document, an RPG adaptation of a popular movie that I'm going to run. While the obvious solution would be Libre/Open Office Writer or MS Word, I've been working in Pandoc's Markdown with embedded Latex. As I learn more about Latex, I'm increasingly disappointed by the things that it doesn't do, or is buggy about.

I like the approach, because Markdown allows me to write very structurally, and then generate pretty PDF output. It also fits well in version control (as opposed to binary word processor formats which don't diff well). In theory a programmable typesetting language like Latex should allow incredible control.

Does anyone have experience with some of the possible alternatives like DocBook? Whether they're worth looking at?
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