Rich Freeman via plug on 24 Feb 2021 12:12:15 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Fry's going out of business

On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 2:55 PM Rich Mingin (PLUG) via plug
<> wrote:
> I have learned to live with second day from Amazon rather than dealing with the drive to Microcenter. I miss the instant gratification sometimes, but generally it's not an issue, and I buy way fewer impulse items in the slaughter-chute at the registers.

Microcenter actually does have some good deals on certain things.  I
like browsing their clearance rack (though many of those items can be
gotten refurb on Amazon as well).  Usually it is just something to do.

Microcenter also has an in-store pickup option that works really well.
Skips the line and they figure out where everything is.

They also have just about everything you need for a Pi behind the
counter, really cheap.

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