CJ Fearnley via plug on 1 Mar 2021 12:07:43 -0800

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[PLUG] contract Ruby on Rails opportunity

One of my clients needs a Ruby on Rails developer to fix the screen
scraping code in a 7+ year old Rails site. My understanding is the
web site it pulls data from has changed so that that piece is failing,
but that most of the application continues to work.

The key part of the documentation for assessing scope reports:

Key Technical Specifications:
 ∙ The entire web application is built using the Ruby on Rails platform
 ∙ The site is hosted on Heroku
 ∙ The database is built using the standard Rails PostgresSQL gem
   and relies on traditional relational database structure
 ∙ The New Relic gem is used as a Heroku add on for error monitoring

Key Rails Specifications:
 ∙ Login/authentication functions are done using the Devise gem,
   with all the login credentials stored in a User model
 ∙ Database is built using the pg "Postgres SQL" gem on Heroku
 ∙ The New Relic gem is used for key monitoring stats
 ∙ The delayed job gem is used for background jobs ­ this is a crucial
   part of the application functionality. Most of the longer scraping
   queries are done in background jobs. In order to make sure that this
   functionality works properly, the developer needs to make sure the
   delayed job gem is in the Gemfile and that a Heroku worker dyno is
   always running.

Contact me by e-mail for an introduction if this sounds like the kind
of project you'd like to help with.

CJ Fearnley                 |   LinuxForce Inc.
cjf@LinuxForce.net          |   IT and Hosting Consulting
https://www.LinuxForce.net  |   https://blog.LinuxForce.net
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