Chris Thistlethwaite via plug on 9 Feb 2022 09:57:35 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Way Off Topic: Raise a Weather Station Mast |
Sorry for off-topic, but you guys are clever and creative. (I was going
to say "good looking", but that was too much of a stretch :) )
I want to mount a wired (not wireless) wind speed and direction sensor
about 6 feet above the peak of my 2-story house. The simplest way would
be to mount a TV antennae pole on the side of the house, but his has 2
major problems:
1. I'm afraid of heights and can't climb a ladder that high to install it
2. I want to be able to service the unit about once per year, so it's
gotta be accessible
So here are some of my ideas:
1. Use a telescoping pole mounted to the side of the house at "step
ladder height" (where I am comfortable). Not sure where to get a
telescoping pole.
2. Hire somebody to mount it, and to retrieve it when service is needed
3. Build a ground-anchored hinged pole that I can use pulleys and
cables to raise into position, then lock somehow
4. Mount the station away from the house at step ladder height and run
a wire to it.
Anybody got any brilliant ideas?___________________________________________________________________________
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