Michael Lazin via plug on 5 May 2022 06:30:19 -0700
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[PLUG] Default repositories in Debian 11
- From: Michael Lazin via plug <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Subject: [PLUG] Default repositories in Debian 11
- Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 09:30:01 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20210112; h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=GFmXhsWviEjfSSjGr+RWdD8pjvRGDLrrtUDElz6bwVI=; b=aKGaV9wHC6l1YMboVg9aLyK363JRYf6AUa/IqRc5zikqsUuQ6rTIk8V8ttsXSVq+W4 wSrIvKMHJ6t/nCzCPQR7Qam+Ws9mflnIan9D63cqhwMHC2AxxiiDMHMzqG/4gOjgvyrm gm1xdjnk9qFvUoVRAarbC2uY4RxMm5Kn0yKmRhKoJtHXIrYdkxB23L8NVI0PJN3hPbe4 y4ZRTk2CSBrYVsTk0v1++Jcf3WcazJKJyN7YGfvmA+7Wan2uIx+ZmRQ5HOzwuhKf56ws C7h1g4OKoXtLmoqSKOJ1GOj3rcQHMn4xN8QxGlRwmBaFtRWVSRS0Jhx2izL+MbJOZNzw 4e2A==
- Reply-to: Michael Lazin <microlaser@gmail.com>
- Sender: "plug" <plug-bounces@lists.phillylinux.org>
I asked my boss to give me a Debian 11 virtual machine to do some minor python api programming and I was surprised when I logged in it was missing repositories I need in /etc/apt/sources.list
I fixed it but I have never installed Debian 11 minimal at home and I found it odd that it was missing just regular Debian default repositories that I needed for python. Can anyone comment if there are circumstances in a minimal install of Debian 11 that would result in missing default repositories. It looks weird but I wanted to ask about it. Thanks.
Michael Lazin
.. τὸ γὰρ αὐτὸ νοεῖν ἐστίν τε καὶ εἶναι.
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