Casey Bralla via plug on 23 Dec 2024 11:15:41 -0800

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[PLUG] Login via Serial Connection

I'm trying to set up logging in via a USB/serial interface on my Gentoo system, but have stalled.  I'm hoping somebody can offer a suggestion.

I want to login from a laptop into my Gentoo desktop system.  I'm using 2 USB-to-Serial converters with a null-modem connection.  I can load minicom on both systems and send data between them, but I can't get a login prompt from the Gentoo host on the laptop.

Here's what I've done:

  1. Installed minicom on both laptop and desktop
  2. Plugged in a USB-to-serial converter to both systems, connecting them with a null-modem
  3. Verified communication between laptop & desktop using direct minicom-to-minicom connection (all flow control turned off)
  4. Edit /etc/inittab on desktop to add the line "U1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 300 8N1 ttyUSB0 vt100" (Yeah, at 300 Baud!)
  5. Reload /etc/inittab with "telinit q"
  6. Verified that device "/dev/ttyUSB0" has been created
  7. Type any character on laptop, but get no login prompt.  Serial line monitor shows characters are being generated by laptop, but no response from desktop

Anybody got any ideas?

TIA!  Casey

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