Michael C. Toren on 27 May 2009 14:14:26 -0700

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[PLUG] Open Source Exchange synchronization server?

My cell phone has the ability to synchronize its calendar, contacts, and
task list over-the-air with an Exchange server, which I love.  It's great
having automated an backup of my addressbook, and being able to add and
modify entries from a real computer, using cut-and-paste.

For a while, I had been using this functionality to synchronize with a
Gmail account using NuevaSync (http://www.nuevasync.com/).  More recently,
Google started offering this service directly, and I've been trying them
out for the past week or so.  Unfortunately, though, both NuevaSync and
Google's synchronization service have a few annoying quirks that irritate
me.  I'd really prefer to host my own synchronization service, anyway --
and, if I was, I'd be able to hack on the server a bit, too, and perhaps
script around some of the problems I'm experiencing.

Does anyone know of any open source solutions for emulating an Exchange
server's synchronization functionality?

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