Rich Freeman via plug on 17 Jan 2023 10:49:25 -0800

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[PLUG] Assessing interest in potential PLUG topics

I've been doing a few projects over the holidays and based on what
I've learned in the process, I have a few talks I could give.  Most of
these would be from the perspective of somebody who has just gone
through learning something from the first time, so I'd try to talk
about lessons learned, tips for deciphering concepts in documentation,

I'm guessing I'll try to give most/all of these as talks at some
point, but I don't want to take over the calendar for months on end,
so I'll space them out.  I'm looking for feedback on what talks would
be most interesting to the group.

Here is the list of topics:

Kubernetes for small-scale home installation (microk8s mostly) - I'd
talk about what k8s actually is, and some of the barriers to grokking
it and using it at a small scale

Home Assistant OS on a Pi - coming from the perspective of a former
OpenHAB user, what it can do, pros/cons, etc.  Very easy to install -
but there is a fair bit to master.

3D Printing - not really linux but probably of general interest.  What
you need to know to get started, kinds of things you can use them for,
things you might consider before getting into it, etc.

Frigate - video camera recording and object detection software that
can use Google Coral AI acceleration.  This ended up being a much
simpler alternative to zoneminder, but I can talk about pros/cons.
This actually isn't too complex so it could be a shorter talk, though
probably not a lightning talk unless you just want an overview.

Ceph/Rook - this is more complex.  I've done a fair bit of
experimentation and am considering migrating to Rook (which is a k8s
implementation of Ceph).  To appreciate Rook you need to understand
both k8s and Ceph, so it might make sense to have a talk on Ceph, and
then have another talk on Rook as one way of implementing Ceph (there
are others).  Oh, for background, Ceph is a highly scalable
distributed storage solution for object store, block devices, and
filesystem - often used at the Petabyte-plus scale.  Obviously I'm
doing it small scale.

Let me know if any of this interests you and I'll try to put something together.

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