JP Vossen via plug on 22 Jun 2023 18:12:47 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Red Hat cutting back RHEL source availability

On 6/22/23 07:53 PM, Joe Rosato via plug wrote:
Plot thickens
And a bit more:

Rocky Linux Expresses Confidence Despite Red Hat's Announcement

[Reno, NV, June 22, 2023] – Rocky Linux, a prominent community-driven open-source distribution of Enterprise Linux (EL), remains confident in its ability to continue as a bug-for-bug compatible and freely available alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), despite changes in accessibility. Red Hat’s announcement yesterday states that the sources for RHEL will no longer be accessible from While this decision does change the automation we use for building Rocky Linux, we have already created a short term mitigation and are developing the longer term strategy. There will be no disruption or change for any Rocky Linux users, collaborators, or partners.

More in TFA, including arguments as to why Rocky & the clones aren't bad guys.  Note Rocky was started by the same guy who started CentOS, which was variously tolerated and supported by Red Hat for quite a long time.  This new attitude smells like IBM.

I have to agree with Rich that while I'm not really a fan, Red Hat has done a heck of a lot for F/OSS and Linux.

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