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Re: Change In Venue Time

Thanks for the responses so far!

Quoting Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com>:
> Aw, man, that _so_ majorly sucks -- and I've seen it happen
> to LUGs before, e.g., a LUG in Santa Cruz kept needing to
> give up on otherwise attractive venues because management
> would not reduce the imported (TV or music) noise level
> _anywhere_ on the premises sufficient for reasonable
> conversation.  (And then a couple more places where that
> wasn't yet the case started doing karaoke.)

> The rationale for 85c Bakery seems impeccable.

Yep, unfortunately it really *was* getting that bad :-/
And a little nitpick was that simultaneous to the new Bobby
G's owners aforementioned renovations, they also "gently"
but not-so-subtly raised prices on the discounted 12-2
afternoon specials they kept stable for the last eight years.

IMHO as a non-nudgy suggestion, you (Rick M. here),
Michael P, and perhaps several others may wish to be
mindful of the incredibly useful essay _Recipe for a
Successful Linux User Group_,
I would think that item 3 "You need a regular meeting
location" may be *particularly* relevant to BerkeleyLUG's
tentative move to 85c Bakery.
As far as website-related items 11 onwards, please note
that the BerkeleyLUG website's 'Meetings' link
https://berkeleylug.com/meetings/ was already changed
to display the new tentative location for the next meetup.

But please don't make your (Rick M's) changes to The
BALE site http://linuxmafia.com/bale/ just quite yet!
While this new tentative location is certainly now
"Set on Webpage", I doubt that it's "Dead Set in Stone".
Other current BerkeleyLUG participants are following-thru
on alternate meetup places besides simply 85c Bakery.

For instance, one participant is actively following-thru on
checking out Extreme Pizza http://berkeley.extremepizza.com/
as an alternate meetup location.
Extreme Pizza - Shattuck, Berkeley
2352 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-486-0770
The SF-based Extreme Pizza Corporate Offices'
contact webpage is http://extremepizza.com/contact.php

Quoting Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com>:
> I assume Au Coquelet Cafe, 2000 University Avenue
> between Milvia and Shattuck, was considered and
> found wanting?  It's been a very long time since I
> checked the place, but it's where Berkeley Unix User
> Group met (and possibly still does).

Michael P recently sent a mailing-list message
addressing exactly that; the lengthy subject title
'BerkeleyLUG venue change: Bobby G's Pizzeria --> 85C Bakery Cafe, 21 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA 94704, 1-510-540-8585'

FWIW, I much prefer the less ambiguous subject title
'BerkeleyLUG venue change' over
my 'Change In Venue Time'.
After all, the actual *Time* of the BerkeleyLUG meetups remains
the same :-)


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