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Re: Wither berkeleylug.ORG - keep/drop decide by: 2019-04-17T04:39:28Z - currently expires 2019-05-17T04:39:28Z

I'm relatively inclined to agree ... though some may think/feel

I'll let the money talk - if folk(s) put up the $$ to renew
(some person(s) have said they would - but I've not seen the $$ ... yet)
(or transfer+renew), it shall happen, ... otherwise it goes bye-bye.

From: ace36 <acohen36@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Wither berkeleylug.ORG - keep/drop decide by: 2019-04-17T04:39:28Z - currently expires 2019-05-17T04:39:28Z
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:32:12 -0700

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 10:06 PM Michael Paoli <
Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:

So ... berkeleylug.COM isn't going anywhere soon (other than where things
are hosted may shuffle about).

But ... what of berkeleylug.ORG?
It expires 2019-05-17T04:39:28Z.
We ought to, by about 2019-04-17T04:39:28Z decide to either
o let it go (expiring 2019-05-17T04:39:28Z), or
o renew it (possibly also transferring registrar from domains.google.com)

IMHO, I think Berkeleylug.ORG should just be left to disappear.
While a few other vocal advocates have put forward cogent arguments to the
effect that it doesn't really hurt to keep around Berkeleylug.ORG (e.g.,
due to cybersquatting, misdirecting site visitors,...etc), I rather see it
that .ORG can be safely discarded without any significant loss of
popularity compared to BerkeleyLUG.COM. Never even really knew for certain
that BerkeleyLUG.ORG existed before, myself.

Just my own 2 cents.

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