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Re: BerkeleyLUG.ORG - renewed & transferred; slaves? ...: Re: Wither berkeleylug.ORG - keep/drop decide by: 2019-04-17T04:39:28Z - currently expires 2019-05-17T04:39:28Z

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu):

[snip berkeleylug.org acquired, paid up for a year]

> DNS slaves - per RFC, we're required to have MINIMUM of 3,
> we currently have only 2 8-O (I wasn't going to sweat it if
> we were winding down to drop it - but now that we're not ...).
> So, who'd like to and is able to provide DNS slave services for
> BerkeleyLUG.ORG?  Just reply here on-list, and/or let me know
> (via email).

Got two more here.

{scratches head}  Hey, I think someone made a boo-boo in the auth
nameserver listings (as I'm seeing double).

$ whois berkeleylug.org | grep 'Name Server' | grep -v "Name Server\n"
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:

Moving on from that...

$ dig -t soa berkeleylug.org +short
ns0.berkeleylug.org. Michael\.Paoli.cal.berkeley.edu.berkeleylug.org.  1555254673 10800 3600 1209600 86400

Er, I suspect that backslash is another boo-boo, but I was requesting
that record just to verify where the master nameserver is.

$ dig -t axfr berkeleylug.org. @ns0.berkeleylug.org

[RM:  redacting return value of the entire zonefile.  Suffice to say,
public AXFR appears to be supported, which you might want to curtail
for security reasons over the long term.]

Okie-doke.  Adding slave nameservice on offered nameserver 1 of 2,

[Snip my adding a new stanza to /etc/bind/named.conf.local.  Then:]

linuxmafia:/etc/bind# rndc reconfig
linuxmafia:/etc/bind# dig -t soa berkeleylug.org @ns1.linuxmafia.com +short
ns0.berkeleylug.org. Michael\.Paoli.cal.berkeley.edu.berkeleylug.org.  1555254673 10800 3600 1209600 86400

That slave nameserver is now live and waiting for authoritative

Moving on to configurating slave nameservice on offered nameserver 2 of 2, 
ns1.svlug.org, where it's NSD rather than BIND, and I greatly prefer NSD
generally, but haven't yet figured out how to add/remove a zone without
restarting the daemon.

rick@gruyere:~$ sudo su -
[sudo] password for rick:
root@gruyere:~ # cd /etc/nsd3

[Snip my adding a new stanza to /etc/nsd3/nsd.conf.  Then:]

root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 # nsdc restart
root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 # nsd-xfer -z berkeleylug.org -f secondary/berkeleylug.org.zone
[1555572648] nsd-xfer[22600]: info: send AXFR query to for berkeleylug.org.
root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 # chown nsd:nsd secondary/berkeleylug.org.zone
root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 # nsdc rebuild
root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 # dig -t soa berkeleylug.org @ns1.svlug.org +short
ns0.berkeleylug.org. michael\.paoli.cal.berkeley.edu.berkeleylug.org.  1555254673 10800 3600 1209600 86400
root@gruyere:/etc/nsd3 #

That slave nameserver is now live and waiting for authoritative

Please advise when that has been done (making authoritative), otherwise
I'll be uncertain whether the offer has been accepted in a substantive

Cheers,            You must rise or sink / You must conquer or win, 
Rick Moen          Or serve and lose. / Suffer or triumph, / Be anvil or hammer.
McQ! (4x80)        -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gesellige Lieder, Ein Anderes 

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