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Re: Berkeley Pi: Getting ready for next week.


Almost exactly what Michael told me, lol.  

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 7:03 PM Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com> wrote:
Quoting tom r lopes (tomrlopes@gmail.com):

> Also sorry about the delay getting the Berkeley Pi website up.  I
> wanted to get WordPress working on a Pi 3.


If you can swing that, more power to you, but have you considered the
possibility that a simple static-HTML Web site might be orders of
magnitude easier to build _and_ maintain, not to mention require a
metric tonne less hardware resources from an itty-bitty embedded

Editing HTML5 in an ASCII text editor still works fine in 2020, y'know.

OTOH, if you really love WordPress, and are prepared to deal with the
absurd amount of overhead and recurring security meltdowns, then, hey,
you do you, sir!

Cheers,        There's no theorem like Bayes's Theorem, like no theorem we know.
Rick Moen      Everything about it is appealing, everything about it is a wow.
rick@linux     Let out all that a-priori feeling, you've been concealing,
mafia.com      right up to now.   -- G.E.P. Box (w/apologies to Irving Berlin)

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