I am not a programmer. I have not learned vi. Nano is enough for config files. Vi reminds me of the Dvorak keyboard: an entire different muscle memory adventure. Someday maybe.
This special usefulness of Emacs is overlooked in most of the Vi vs Emacs debates. One is an exacto knife, the other is a swiss army knife. Or more. IMHO one size does not fit all.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 11:16 PM 'Rick Moen' via BerkeleyLUG <berkeleylug@googlegroups.com> wrote:Quoting goossbears (acohen36@gmail.com):
> Given vim's direct relationship to vi, that immediately brings to mind
> the widely known xkcd 'Real Programmers' cartoon https://xkcd.com/378/
> ;-)
Previously, I wrote:
Instead of using the slightly more difficult to use 'Vi' editor, might I suggest that 'Nano' is and would have been a better choice to use in this case? For the one or two of you reading this who weren't aware of this already, "Nano is the default terminal-based text editor in Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions" [1].
~~~~~~~~~ quoting [2] ~~~~~~~~~~~
[Nano is] part of a family of text editors that includes the more robust (but significantly more complex) vi and emacs. For most uses, nano is easy to use and it doesn't require a significant learning curve. Just as with the 1980s-era text-based word processors like WordStar, nano offers a dynamic two-line command reference at the bottom of the terminal window.
Using 'nano' likely also fulfills the role (again, in the particular case with Elise's simpler editing tasks) of the KISS Principle (see [3], [4], [5] and similar references.)
Time-Dilation Formula: observer time = proper time / sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2)