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Re: Crazy idea for Jitsi meetings

"CyclopsCam" seems to be working well.  

Just tried a Jitsi meeting with myself.  

https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ngs5MKy72LSKwuN49 (left video on my monitor from CyclopsCam)  

I could hear myself and see myself and vice versa.  

So I will try this for the Jitsi part of the next Berkeley meeting.  

Yeah so for remote control of the camera, ssh may be the best way.  I remember a friend 
who setup a server that was behind a firewall that he didn't control (nothing nefarious -- just 
a gallery on City of Oakland store front using city internet)  What he did was have the server 
keep a ssh session open to a virtual server hosted somewhere and forward a port.  Then you 
could ssh over that to the server behind the firewall.  
So I would have to setup something like that.  
I think I have done that before ... back when I was smarter.  Had ddwrt on my router and enabled 
ssh there and connect forwarding port.  The local or remote part (ssh -L or ssh -R) always 
confused me, though.  

For now I will just try the hybrid meeting with CyclopsCam.  Hopefully weather is better this Sunday!  
I'll be at Cafe Strada again as it's the only place I know open.  


On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 6:50 PM Rick Moen <rick@linuxmafia.com> wrote:
Quoting tom r lopes (tomrlopes@gmail.com):

> So I am wondering if you could use the Jitsi chat to send commands.

First, you'd need to design appropriate "command" language that could be
embedded in the text chat.

Second, you would need to code _something_ (a browser extension?)
parsing one user PC's text chat looking for "commands" in that
command language and pass appropriate video4linux instructions
to the connected webcam.

It would probably be a lot easier to have persons on the chat _also_ be
able to separately ssh into a shell account that has been carefully
limited to use only a wrapper (that you'd have to write) that allows the
ssh'd in user to enter v4l2-ctl instructions, and operate that at the
user PC with the webcam.

Rick Moen            "Avoid dangling participles unless referring to James Bond,
rick@linuxmafia.com  in which case dangle them over shark tanks or fire pits."
McQ!  (4x80)                                              -- @FakeAPStylebook

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