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Re: Crazy idea for Jitsi meetings

Quoting tom r lopes (tomrlopes@gmail.com):

> "CyclopsCam" seems to be working well.
> Just tried a Jitsi meeting with myself.
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ngs5MKy72LSKwuN49 (left video on my monitor from
> CyclopsCam)

Ooh, really nice little gadget!

My replacement 3.5mm mini-plug stereo audio patch cable for my
20-year-old Yamaha YST-M7 external speakers arrived, to replace the
dodgy input cable that impaired the May 8th "hybrid" CABAL meeting.

Also, in testing, I realised I'd stupidly used a fixed-volume input jack
on the Yamahas, and should have used one of the other inputs that
permits them to _actually_ be amplified speakers as is their entire
purpose, in effect.  So, basically, next time the in-back-yard output
audio from Jitsi Meet will be a _lot_ better.

> For now I will just try the hybrid meeting with CyclopsCam.  Hopefully
> weather is better this Sunday!

Or you could drive down to beautiful, temperate West Menlo Park and 
do it from my back patio.  (It's a long drive, admittedly, but the
offer's genuine.  But that would interfere with the objective of getting
others to join you IRL, of course.)

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