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Re: Pi.BerkeleyLUG: Meeting this Sunday 2021-06-20

OK I am here now at Strada and on-line  


On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 11:45 PM tom r lopes <tomrlopes@gmail.com> wrote:
Day after Juneteenth, So should be possible to drive around Berkeley.  

This will be a hybrid meeting.  Both online and in person.  

Virtual Meeting on Jitsi: 

tom is inviting you to a meeting.

Join the meeting:

To join by phone instead, tap this: +1.512.647.1431,,3314091209#

Looking for a different dial-in number?
See meeting dial-in numbers: https://meet.jit.si/static/dialInInfo.html?room=Pi.BerkeleyLUG

If also dialing-in through a room phone, join without connecting to audio: https://meet.jit.si/Pi.BerkeleyLUG#config.startSilent=true

For the virtual part I will have the CyclopsCam attached to my laptop.  So we can have everyone included in the 
conversation.  Jitsi now has individual volume controls.  For each other participant you can click the three dot 
menu and there is a volume slider.  This feature was announced last week and should have been on the last 
BerkeleyLUG meeting, but I don't remember seeing it.  Would have been nice to have every speaker at the same 

In Person:  

Caffe Strada 
2300 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 

This is an outdoor cafe right across from the Berkeley Campus.  
Seating seems OK but table space is very limited.  And many outlets though.  

Security may be a problem as we will be right next to the road.  
Be extremely vigilant with your possessions!!  

I would expect that in person attendees be vacinated.    

Hope to see you there, 


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