Michael Glaesemann on 25 Aug 2011 12:37:50 -0700

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Re: [Philly Lambda] RSVP - August 24th - "The Relational Model, not SQL" by Michael Glaesemann

On Aug 24, 2011, at 11:36, Aaron Feng wrote:

> Just a reminder that the meeting is tonight at Drexel room 149.
> See you all there.

Thanks, all, for attending my talk!

I'd like to give this talk again, and there are definitely things I intend to change an improve. One is that I will have more concrete examples of using the relational operators and functions.

I really appreciate any and ally feedback you can provide. If you could take a few minutes and jot down a couple of comments (positive and negative, it's all good) and email it to me, that'd be great.


Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net