Eduard Kram on 12 Sep 2011 04:55:30 -0700

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RE: Announcing Functional Fall: A 6-session functional programming reading circle in the Fall

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Subject: RE: Announcing Functional Fall: A 6-session functional programming reading circle in the Fall
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 04:48:49 +0000


Thanks to Trevor et al. for organizing, and thanks to all for a great discussion during recent event.

It has to be made a fix to one of the meeting 's conclusions that is also recorded in noted ("Also, foldr was mentioned but not foldl, because fold left has to go te the end of the array (and thus means recurring to the bottom of the possibly infinite list)").

Actually, as the name suggests, the folding by foldr is made from the RIGHT and reason why it is still more useful then foldl is different.

I made a few related notes on my site

Please, use password ed to access the notes.

I think also that everybody can and should develop clear understanding how foldr works, even if the opposite was suggested. Borrowing a few parenthesis from the LISP really helps ;-)

Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 23:08:31 -0400
Subject: Re: Announcing Functional Fall: A 6-session functional programming reading circle in the Fall


Thanks to Trevor et al. for organizing, and thanks to all for a great discussion this evening. Notes are up at:

in HTML and at:

in plain (aka ReStructured) text.


Hunter Blanks

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