Lalish-Menagh, Trevor on 22 Jan 2013 19:31:39 -0800

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Re: Second A.I. Winter Event (Fuzzy Sets)

Hi all,

Just a reminder that our next meeting is this Thursday at the Comcast Center. See you there!


On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Lalish-Menagh, Trevor <> wrote:
Hi all,

The second A.I. Winter event will be held at 01/24/2013 at 6:30pm at the Comcast Center in Center City Philly. We will be studying the theory of Fuzzy Sets (

Please read the paper beforehand, and come with questions. Remember, you don't have to understand the entire paper to participate. This event is all about communal learning.

Our event will be on the 45th floor of the the Comcast Center. Comcast Interactive Media will be covering pizza and soda for the event.

We'll have beer afterwards at Nodding Head. See you there!

Please RSVP at

Notes from the last session on Dr. Turin'g paper can be found at Thanks to Dave Taylor for taking them!

See you next week,
Trevor Lalish-Menagh
@trevmex on twitter

Trevor Lalish-Menagh
@trevmex on twitter