Jason Lenhart on 3 May 2006 00:13:04 -0000

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] MacBook Choices

Hi Brian,

I upgraded to a Macbook within weeks of them showing
up in stores - I love my 15 inch MBP.

I sold my 1.25 15 inch PB 1.25 GB with Superdrive for
roughly 1200 on eBay.  So I think you can do pretty
darn good - mine was 2 years old.


--- Brian Donahue <stuff@pigeonmoon.com> wrote:

> Looking for some insight/advice...  I'm a windows
> guy mainly, doing .NET
> development for my day job, but playing with ruby
> and rails on my own, and
> liking it a lot.  I bought a powerbook last June
> mostly planning on using it
> for music (I have ProTools LE, and some other
> software and equipment).
> Unfortunately, as the father of a 3 year old I
> haven't done much with music,
> but have used the mac for Rails work and general
> use, as it is my only
> laptop.  So, now that the MacBooks are out I
> definitely am tempted to pick
> one up and have a dual boot machine that I can do
> anything I need to on.
> So, I have some questions that I thought maybe some
> of the mac folks on this
> list could help with:
> 1) What can I expect to get for my powerbook if I
> sell it (is $1200 crazy?)
> and is ebay the best option?
> 2) I have a 15" powerbook.  Looking at the options,
> it seems that a 15"
> powerbook with 2.16GHz costs the same as a 17"
> 2.16GHz (base model).  I like
> the size of the 15" though... I'm probably going to
> go to the apple store
> and check it out, but wondering if anyone thinks the
> 17" is a little
> cumbersome, or is it worth it?
> 3) It also seems that buying on Amazon (no tax, $150
> rebate) is almost the
> same price as buying a refurbished one from Apple -
> $300 cheaper than
> retail, but you pay tax if I'm not mistaken.
> My first instinct is to stick with a 15" and NOT
> spend the extra $ for
> 2.16GHz, but I'd like to get any general feedback
> from savvy mac users.
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