Mike Zornek on 2 Mar 2007 04:26:14 -0000 |
You know how when you are using the new resource features in Rails 1.2 it will create all these helper methods for you. Like if I had a resource for my `Comment` class I'd get `comments_url`, `comments_path`, `comment_path(1)`, etc. Well let's say I'm trying to dry up my views -- some of these crud pages are just very repetitive -- how do I call a helper based on a string I create. I'd like to create a string like `object.class.to_s.downcase.pluralize + '_url' and then call that helper. How can I do this? ~ Mike -- Work: http://ClickableBliss.com Play: http://MikeZornek.com _______________________________________________ To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit: http://lists.phillyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/talk