Michael Bevilacqua-Linn on 24 May 2007 17:27:45 -0000

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] jruby question

They way I understand it, the standalone war will package up your rails directory structure, along with Jruby, the rails libraries, and some other magic stuff that makes it work.

But since war files are just zip files with metadata in special places, you can open it up yourself and poke around.


I don't come from a Java background, so I'm curious to see what
deployment options JRuby brings to Rails.  Can anyone tell me if
packaging a Rails app into a WAR file or JAR (if that's even
supported) gives my source code any reasonable safety from prying
eyes?  Is a WAR file only going to compress and package the Rails
app, or are we packaging intermediate or byte code that would make it
(a little) harder to view my apps source code?  I'm curious because I
heard the news that ThoughWorks recently started distributing an
Rails app for JRuby.

Thanks --flinn
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