Adam Turoff on Wed, 26 Jan 2000 12:16:08 -0500 (EST) |
Forwarded message: > Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 09:14:46 -0500 (EST) > From: (Robert Spier) > To: > > >>>>> "A" == ATS <> writes: > A> Would someone be willing to share the code (without external > A> module) to accept a URL and return a string containing a Web > A> page. > > A simple TCP client (which could be trivially modifiable) to do what > you want is shown in the perlipc documentation file down in the socket > section. But that's going to be a pain if yoiu want it to be feature > rich. Either get lwp working, or look into lynx -dump or any of a > number of small external programs, wget, snarf, come to mind. > > -R > > **Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:>** **To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe phl" to**