Robert Spier on Sat, 5 Feb 2000 22:25:16 -0500 (EST)

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Re: ESR at Penn

>>>>> "DHA" == David H Adler <> writes:

  >> You mean Muhammad Ali?  He changed his name long before you were
  >> born.  Almost before I was born.  :-)

  DHA> Dang.  I was going to point that out.  :-/

    <grin>  I was just being cryptic.  Although not particularly so.

  DHA> Well, then, just to be contrary, I suggest you all bug ESR
  DHA> about his not using Perl anymore.

    You're just negative, aren't you dave.  :)

  DHA> Me: "Why would you have to write one that long?"

    Because it's there?

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