Nicolai Rosen on Tue, 29 Feb 2000 23:25:48 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Amazon Boycott, continued

Actually, I'm rather suprised that barnsandnoble runs off of IIS/NT. I
could see it working for the smaller sites, but for an operation that big
I wouldn't think it would even be possible. That's why borders & amazon
use Unix.
What suprises me here is that there are no BSDs running these
sites. FreeBSD is superior for taking on loads as big as these guys must
get. Just ask M$ ;) (hotmail is run on FreeBSD)
Is I forget, is Stronghold some sort of Apache variant or AIX's web server
(I can't recall which).

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Joe Smith wrote:
> Not that I would ever consider that there might be even the slightest
> correlation between the software a used by a business for it's web
> site and the overall cluefulness of the business itself (especially in
> non-technical fields such as book selling), but I thought you might
> join me in raising an eyebrow at this little survey, via Netcraft, of
> online book sellers (Amazon, plus the US alternatives listed on
> noAmazon).  As Mr. Spock might say: 'fascinating'.
> IIS/NT          7   abebooks, alldirect, alphacraze, barnesandnoble,
>                     booksnow, opampbooks, page1book 
> Apache/NT       1   bookpool
> Netscape/NT     1   fatbrain
> WebSitePro/NT   1   cherryvalleybooks
> ---
> Any/NT: 10
> Apache/Unix     6, dealpilot, booksamillion, evenbetter,
>                     nebulabooks, powells
> Netscape/Unix   2   borders, bol
> Stronghold/Unix 1   amazon
> ---
> Any/Unix: 9 (4 Linux, 3 Solaris, 1 AIX, 1 DU)
> CBS (via ABE books) still has the best price, but no web ordering.
> The next lowest price I found was through dealpilot (now evenbetter)
> at $28+.
> This list originally had something to do with books, right?

And Perl!

> <Joe
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Nicolai Rosen

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