rGeoffrey on Wed, 1 Mar 2000 19:14:31 -0500 (EST) |
At 11:09 AM 3/1/00 , Joe Smith wrote: Now, where's a non-Amazon place to get CD's? I like www.800.com and www.buy.com. I bought some DVDs from each as they have better prices on different things. If you happen to have a website you should consider signing up for some of those soon to be extinct affiliate programs. Even if you are the only one who uses your links, you can still get a small kickback on purchases you would make anyway. Two places that point to many programs are... www.refer-it.com www.befree.com <blatant plug> If you are thinking of getting something and don't want to sign up yet, I have signed up with several and the links can be found at... http://www.PlatypiVentures.com/advertise/sponsors/programs.htm Thank you for considering helping to put food on my puppy's floor. </blatant plug>