ziggy on Tue, 9 May 2000 00:27:58 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Calendar for the next few months.

> So.. here's the potential events calendar for the next few months..
> We're doing second and fourth mondays because it works out much much
> better around the conferences and such.

[Slight adjustment already]

  20000515        Tech Talk: Adam on the DocBook XML DTD
  20000522        Reading Group: First 2 draft chapters of PATH (by mjd)

> 20000529        Perl Whirl Alaskan Cruise: Leaves Vancouver
> 20000605        Perl Whirl Alaskan Cruise: Returns to Vancouver
> 20000612        Dinner Meeting: ... TBA ...
> 20000621        YAPC 19100 (http://www.yapc.org/America)
> 20000622        YAPC 19100
> 20000623        YAPC 19100
> 20000626        Tech Talk: What I learned at YAPC 19100
  20000703        Standard meeting postponed (see below)
> 20000704        July 4th
> 20000710        Dinner Meeting: ... TBA ...
> 20000717        The Perl Conference 4.0, Monterey, California
> 20000718        The Perl Conference 4.0, Monterey, California
> 20000719        The Perl Conference 4.0, Monterey, California
> 20000720        The Perl Conference 4.0, Monterey, California
> 20000724        Tech Talk: (maybe, what I learned at TPC4?)

[Return to regularly scheduled mongering]

  20000807        Dinner Meeting: ... TBA ...
  20000814        Reading Group:  (?)
  20000821        Tech Talk: ... TBA ...
  20000828        Reading Group:  (?)

The idea of a reading group is less interesting than it used to be.
We tried the read-one-book-and-discuss format, and it seems to work
better than the read-two-chapters-and-discuss format.

Many, many good books have come out since we last surveyed what was 
available to discuss.  Gazing at my bookshelf:

	Programming Web Graphics with Perl and GNU Software
	Writing Apache Modules in Perl and C
	Mastering Algorithms with Perl
	Object Oriented Perl Programming
	Elements of Programming with Perl
	Learning Perl/TK
	Progamming the Perl DBI
	Perl and System Administration (s/b out by August)

Some old standards:

	Mastering Regular Expressions
	Effective Perl Programming
	Programming Perl
	[I know I'm forgetting other fine books]

And there are the other fine books that are less focused on Perl

	The Practice of Programming
	Analysis Patterns
	Design Patterns
	Mr. Bunny's Guide to Java
	The Deadline
	The Mythical Man Month

May, June and July are quite hectic for the Perl community.  I don't
think we can schedule much more than we already have for those months.
If the reading group is going to kick-in again, August seems a
reasonable time to pick off one (or even two?) tomes for discussion.
(Apache: The Definitive guide makes a nice companion to 
 Writing Apache Modules.... for example.)

Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  Requests?  


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