Adam Turoff on Thu, 14 Sep 2000 02:12:23 -0400 (EDT) |
On Wed, Sep 13, 2000 at 10:51:41PM -0400, Robert Spier wrote: > >>>>> "WM" == Walt Mankowski <> writes: > WM> Do we have a topic yet? > > Nope. > > Any volunteers? Hm. I could talk about building web sites off of RDF files, but I'd need a ride[*] to ISI. :-) On a more serious note, anyone find a cool new module this week? I'd love to hear someone talk about what Template Toolkit actually does, and why it's different than Text::Template or HTML::Mason. (Why, and not how.) Z. *: 'ride', as in "let's stop by the Grand Canyon on the way over." **Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:>** **To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe phl" to**