Kyle R . Burton on Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:31:12 -0400

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Re: can you create an access mdb file with DBD::ODBC?

>          If it's an infrequent deal get MySQLman from gossamer-threads
> (Written in Perl). You can export MySQL tables in CSV format and then
> import them into Access.

I've already written a utility that connects to mysql and a local mdb
file - you just tell it the name of the table you want to export to
mysql and it does it automaticly.  It looks at the access table, creates
an equivalent table in the msyql db, and uploads all of the records.

For our end users this works well.  They don't have to know much mysql
or databases in general, all they have to do is point and click and the
data gets transfered.  They can easily maintain their data in access
because they understand how to use it.

What I also want is to be able to go the other way.

>          You can also run MySQL/Perl/PHP on your pc and work with the
> files directly.

The app will be primarly used under win32.  That's where I want to be
able to create the new mdb file, and pull tables from the mysql database
into the ms access file so the users can [easily] maintain it.

Thanks for the suggestion,


Heros become Buddhas with one thought,
but lazy people are given three collections of scriptures
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        Zen Saying                  
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