Walt Mankowski on Sat, 1 Jun 2002 10:20:42 -0400 |
----- Forwarded message from "David H. Adler" <dha@panix.com> ----- Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 00:04:51 -0400 From: "David H. Adler" <dha@panix.com> To: "ny.pm" <ny@lists.pm.org> Subject: [marsee@oreilly.com: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 31] Note the early bird and user group discounts for the Open Source Con... ----- Forwarded message from Marsee Henon <marsee@oreilly.com> ----- Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 16:21:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Marsee Henon <marsee@oreilly.com> To: dha@panix.com Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 31 O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER May 31, 2002 HIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK: NEWS: -A Bad, Sad Hollywood Ending? -The Next Hot Jobs -O'Reilly's spring catalog available on Google -Standard Data Vocabularies Unquestionably Harmful -Perl Success Stories Sought -Achieving Closure -Writing for Perl.com? -Flying High with AirPort -All About the Little Green Glob -Building Palm Conduits, Part 1 -System.Drawing with C# CONFERENCE NEWS -OSCON Conference Updates Early Bird Discount Date Coming Up Soon--June 10, 2002 Room Share Mailing List Lightning Talk Proposals BOOK NEWS: -Java and SOAP -Ant: The Definitive Guide -Planning for Web Services: Obstacles and Opportunities -Learning Unix for Mac OS X ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS -Join TMOUG for the 2nd Annual Golf Outing and Meeting ================================================ NEWS FROM O'REILLY & BEYOND ================================================ Spread the word to your members.... ------------------------------- GENERAL NEWS ------------------------------- A BAD, SAD HOLLYWOOD ENDING? Tim O'Reilly comments on a recent "Business Week" article that points out the dangers to open source from the Hollings bill and the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group. http://www.oreillynet.com/cs/weblog/view/wlg/1428 For more on these topics, don't miss Lawrence Lessig's keynote on "Freeing Culture" at the upcoming O'Reilly Open Source Convention. http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/15/keynotes.html THE NEXT HOT JOBS This list from Smart Money.com includes "Bioinformatician" and "Wireless Engineer. " http://smartmoney.com/consumer/index.cfm?story=working-june02#ai O'Reilly can get you started... Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics Order Number: 0804 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/begperlbio/ Developing Bioinformatics Computer Skills Order Number: 6641 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/bioskills/ 802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide Order Number: 1835 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/802dot11/ O'REILLY'S SPRING CATALOG AVAILABLE ON GOOGLE Go to: http://catalogs.google.com/ and then click on the "Computers" section, or by typing "O'Reilly" in the search box. (If you would like to receive paper catalogs for your members, please let me know.) --------------------- XML --------------------- STANDARD DATA VOCABULARIES UNQUESTIONABLY HARMFUL Walter Perry argues that standard XML vocabularies are an invitation to fraud. http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/05/29/perry.html --------------------- PERL --------------------- PERL SUCCESS STORIES SOUGHT Do you have a Perl success story that you'd like to share? Let Betsy Waliszewski know. For more information see: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1438 ACHIEVING CLOSURE What's a closure, and why are they so important? http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/05/29/closure.html WRITING FOR PERL.COM? Here are our submission guidelines: http://www.perl.com/pub/a/general/writing.html --------------------- MAC --------------------- FLYING HIGH WITH AIRPORT by Derrick Story This first-person account by airline pilot Jim Dearien details setting up an AirPort network and getting his legacy PCs to work on it. This adventure was motivated by one goal: he wanted to buy his first Mac. See how Jim pulled it off. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/05/28/mac_dev.html For more articles from Derrick see: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/54 ALL ABOUT THE LITTLE GREEN GLOB Polish your Cocoa applications by implementing intelligent "zoom" buttons at the top of the windows. Mike Beam shows you how. http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/05/16/cocoa.html For more articles by Mike Beam see: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/159 --------------------- .NET --------------------- BUILDING PALM CONDUITS, PART 1 This excerpt from "Programming Visual Basic for the Palm OS," offers an introduction to building conduits, synchronization software that connects Palm apps and data stores. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/vbpalm_4/index1.html Programming Visual Basic for the Palm OS Order Number: 2009 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/vbpropalm/ SYSTEM.DRAWING WITH C# Learn the System.Drawing namespace, which contains types that help you with drawing. This crash course willl enable you to write better--and probably faster--code. Here is a 10-minute crash course. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2002/05/20/drawing.html ================================================ CONFERENCE NEWS ================================================ ******************************* OSCON CONFERENCE UPDATES ******************************* EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT DATE COMING UP SOON--JUNE 10, 2002 Please let your members know that if you register by June 10, 2002, you are eligible for the "Early Bird" discount of $200. You and your members are ALSO eligible for the "User Group" discount of 20%. (So if you register by June 10th, and use the user group discount code, you'll get 20% off the reduced "Early Bird" rate.) The User Group discount code is DSUG. ROOM SHARE MAILING LIST If you wish to save on your OSCON housing costs, you may wish to room-share. We have set up a room-share email list to facilitate finding a suitable roommate. Please visit the Room Sharing page to submit your information and be added to the mail list. The list will be updated and broadcast weekly. Room Share Mailing List Form: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2002/create/rs LIGHTNING TALK PROPOSALS We are planning to have lightning talks for every track and conference at OSCON. A lightning talk is a 5-minute tightly-focused presentation. Discuss your favorite extension, rant, sing the praises of an under-appreciated developer, plug your product or company, beg for a job, or even present a Shakespearean-style play! (don't laugh--we had one of these in 2001). Lightning Talk Proposals form: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2002/ O'REILLY OPEN SOURCE CONVENTION Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina July 22-26, 2002--San Diego, CA http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ ================================================ BOOK NEWS ================================================ REVIEW COPIES ARE AVAILABLE, email me for a copy. If you need your books by a certain date, please allow at least three weeks for shipping. Please send me copies of your newsletters. Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase direct from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering. Press releases are available on our press page: http://press.oreilly.com/ JAVA AND SOAP Order Number: 1754 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasoap/ In addition to covering the basics such as the structure of a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message, SOAP encoding, and building simple services using RPC and messaging, "Java and SOAP" covers many topics that are essential to real-world development. Chapter 5, "Working with Complex Data Types," is available in PDF format: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasoap/chapter/index.html The source code for this book is available on Robert Englander's website: http://mindstrm.com:8199/soap.htm ANT: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE Order Number: 1843 Ant is the premier build-management tool for Java environments. Ant is part of Jakarta, the Apache Software Foundation's open source Java project repository. Ant is written entirely in Java and is platform independent. Using XML, a Java developer describes the modules involved in a build, and the dependencies between those modules. Ant then does the rest, compiling components as necessary in order to build the application. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/anttdg/ Chapter 1, "Ant Jumpstart," is available in PDF format: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/anttdg/chapter/index.html PLANNING FOR WEB SERVICES: OBSTACLES AND OPPORTUNITIES An O'Reilly Research Report (Sorry, no review copies available) Following the groundbreaking "P2P Networking Overview" from O'Reilly Research, "Planning for Web Services" guides tech executives and managers through the inflated claims, competing standards, and acronym soup to arrive at a realistic appraisal of web services' potential for your business. With profiles of more than thirty of the key players in this emerging sector, the report concludes with a straightforward checklist of the strategic issues and questions every IT decision-maker should answer before committing to web services. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wsrep/ An Executive Summary of the report is available online at: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/webservices/2002/04/12/execreport.html LEARNING UNIX FOR MAC OS X Order Number: 3420 This book is a concise introduction to just what a reader needs to know to get started with Unix on Mac OS X. With Mac OS X, they now have the ability to not only continue to use their preferred platform, but to explore the powerful capabilities of Unix. This title gives the reader information on how to use the Terminal application, become functional with the command interface and explore many Unix applications. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lunixmacosx/ Chapter 4, "Customizing Your Session," is available online: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lunixmacosx/chapter/ch04.html ================================================ ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM YOUR PEERS ================================================ Ohio-- Join the Toledo Metro Oracle User's Group for the 2nd Annual Golf Outing and Meeting! On June 18th, @ The Tamaron Country Club, 8:30am to 12 Noon Please RSVP to Kellie Jakubowski at 419-475-6999 or via email at kelliej@wtainc.com, or register online at http://www.tmoug.org. Until next week, Marsee ----- End forwarded message ----- -- David H. Adler - <dha@panix.com> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/ "Something I'm hoping to achieve is, rather than have the film look like we went out in New Zealand and shot on location, is that it looks like we went out to Middle Earth and shot on location." - Peter Jackson **Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:http://www.panix.com>** **To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe ny" to majordomo@lists.pm.org** ----- End forwarded message ----- Attachment: