mjd-perl-pm on Mon, 3 Jun 2002 21:34:09 -0400

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Lightning talks submission deadline is this week!

The deadline for proposing a lightning talk for YAPC 2002 in Saint
Louis is on Wednesday, 5 June.  That is less than 48 hours from now!
But there is still time to send a proposal.  You can write up a
proposal in less then five minutes.

Lightning talks are five-minute talks.  They're easy to conceive and
to prepare.  They're a great way for beginning speakers to get their
feet wet.  They're a great way for experienced speakers to give extra
talks without hogging all the schedule time.  

This year at YAPC::NA in Saint Louis, we will have 16 lightning talks.
There are several spaces left.  Propose a talk to fill one of these

For submission instructions, see the bottom of this message, or visit
this page:


For general information about lightning talks, visit


If you can't think of a topic and you'd like some suggestions, visit


or contact me.

For more information about St. Louis YAPC, visit:


To submit a lightning talk, send the title and description to:


The description should be at most four sentences long.  (A short talk
should have a short description!)  Submitters will be notified on 15
June 2002 of whether their talks were accepted.

Mark-Jason Dominus 	  			                 mjd@plover.com
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