Robert Spier on Sun, 16 Feb 2003 20:15:06 -0500

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Re: to Mark J. D., others feel free to delete


	From your description, it sounds like your mailer/system is
	misconfigured, so it is not setting an _envelope sender_
	(i.e. what is provied in the SMTP MAIL FROM command) properly,
	as opposed to the From: header in the message.  I could
	speculate on what it is set to, but the easiest way to test is
	for you to send a single message directly to someone.


> it finds suspicious. I tried again with the mail encrypted (to avoid
> those regex's, whatever they are), and was informed (553), "sorry,
> your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list (#5.7.1)". To save on
> back-and-forth, and since the messages weren't terribly private, I'll
> repeat them here.
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