David Steuber on Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:07:00 -0500

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Re: Dinner / Social meeting analysis

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 11:19:21PM -0500, Mark Jason Dominus wrote:
> Now, my question:  What about it didn't appeal to you?  Was it
> *  You don't like Chinese food


> *  You had an attack of ennui

I've been suffering from a severe and chronic form of this condition
lately.  With luck, I'll be over it before the end of the century.

If not for that, I would be making the PM meetings and also getting out
to PLUG.

David Steuber           |  telco:610.436.1677
302 E Marshall St       |  http://www.david-steuber.com/
Apt 612                 |
West Chester, PA 19380  |  Provoking new paradigms in thought and reason
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