Adam Turoff on Fri, 4 Jul 2003 16:36:41 -0400

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Re: Any feedback for Marsee Henon?

On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 01:51:50PM -0400, Michael C. Toren wrote:
> > My main feedback, by the way, is that sending out newsletters every
> > week or two seems like a bit much.  What do other people think?  Do
> > you find them worthwhile, or do you just end up deleting them?
> I agree, and normally end up deleting her messages unread.  They tend to
> be poorly formatted, and contain little information that I find useful.

Ditto.  I'm a long time O'Reilly customer, and I don't need to be
reminded when there's a new C# book released, that the registration
deadline is about to pass for some O'Reilly conference no one I know
will be attending, or when some new title is added to Safari.

If here messages were less frequent and more targeted, I might read them
more often.  As it stands, I check the O'Reilly homepage and the new
books page every 6-8 weeks or so for the kind of news Marsee is sending


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