David Steuber on Tue, 2 Sep 2003 22:18:20 -0400

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Re: Perl or Web Certifications?

On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 10:34:29PM -0400, Jeff Jonas wrote:
> > Does anyone else think the whole certification scheme is a scam?
> here's a short reply with no frothing-at-the-mouth:
> I'm unsure if it's a scam but it's big business!

That it is.  No doubts there.  It was the MCSE series that first got me
starting to doubt the whole certification business.  Back when Novel had
the CNE thing, it didn't seem like a scam.  You didn't have people
spitting out a miriad of certs.

> Some employers are turning to such tests to qualify job candidates
> so the issue may be forced upon us.

This was my fear then.  Now it is here.  I suspect it will get a lot

The problem is, we are in a field where the technology is changing
rapidly.  Another poster was right.  Knowing the theory and how to learn
is what is useful.  The certs expire quickly and product knowledge
becomes obsolete.

The PHBs are more like mindless drones than ever before, as are the
people in HR.

David Steuber           |  telco:610.436.1677
302 E Marshall St       |  http://www.david-steuber.com/
Apt 612                 |  (do ((a 1 b) (b 1 (+ a b)))
West Chester, PA 19380  |      (nil a) (print a))
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