Wismer, James (TS USA) on 15 Oct 2004 13:26:03 -0000

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RE: Reminder -- lightning talks next Monday, October 18

Yes, should not be a problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-phl@lists.pm.org [mailto:owner-phl@lists.pm.org] On Behalf
Of Walt Mankowski
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:53 AM
To: phl@lists.pm.org
Subject: Re: Reminder -- lightning talks next Monday, October 18


I'll have my powerbook with me.  I don't remember -- can we get onto
the internet from there?


On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 08:22:47AM -0400, Wismer, James (TS USA) wrote:
> I have reserved the ISI conference room for us.  We'll have the usual
> A/V equipment on hand.  I assume someone will have a laptop that can
> used, if needed.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-phl@lists.pm.org [mailto:owner-phl@lists.pm.org] On Behalf
> Of Walt Mankowski
> Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:42 PM
> To: phl@lists.pm.org
> Subject: Reminder -- lightning talks next Monday, October 18
> It's been a while since I sent out the announcement, so I wanted to
> remind everyone that we're having our first technical meeting in ages
> this coming Monday, October 18.  We're doing lightning talks this
> month.  As usual, the meeting will be at ISI at 7 PM.
> If you're not familiar with them, lightning talks are short talks
> limited to just 5 minutes.  They're a great chance for new people who
> are nervous about speaking before a group to get their feet wet.
> They're also great for more experienced people who don't want spend
> time putting together a longer talk.
> So far only two people have told me they'll be doing lightning talks
> on Monday.  If that's all we get, it's going to be an awfully short
> meeting.
> So we need more people!  Talks can be about just about anything
> remotely related to Perl.  If you're having trouble thinking of a
> topic, Mark has some ideas at
> http://perl.plover.com/lightning-talks.html.
> Walt
> -
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