Walt Mankowski on 26 Mar 2010 12:29:49 -0700

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Fwd: [yapc] Call for Talks ending soon!


----- Forwarded message from BAIRH@nationwide.com -----

Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:19:49 -0400
From: BAIRH@nationwide.com
To: yapc@pm.org
Subject: [yapc] Call for Talks ending soon!
X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 6.5.4 March 27, 2005

The call for speakers ends next week!  3/31/2010!  Get out to the
website, get your self registered and get your talks and lighting
talks in before it is too late!


YAPC::NA::2010 is just around the corner. (Well, in as much as
something 8 weeks away is "around the corner.") Last week, I met with
Heath Bair and the other organizers and took the position of speaker
liaison. So, I should probably talk some about what we're looking for.

YAPC::NA::2010 is going to be about "Modern Perl 5". We believe that
Perl 5 is a vibrant and living language with many uncharted places it
can go. Perl 6 is going to be great, but we can't wait until Christmas
for Perl 6.

So, we're looking for presentations about Perl 5 in all of its modern
glory. Whatcha got?

You'll need to register (or login) to the YAPC::NA::2010 website
(http://yapc2010.com/), then after registering for the conference, you
can submit your CFP.

Heath Bair
(440) 289-9820

yapc mailing list

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