Louis Gallo on Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:34:56 -0500 (EST)

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Re: PPP severing


Check the use of PAP and CHAP. I had the same problem with
my Linux connection to Bell Atlantic. You can search the
web for articles containing "Linux", "PAP", and "CHAP".
I do not know whether Voicenet uses PAP or CHAP.

Also, I used to use minicom for my PPP initial connection
until a friend of mine at my old employer, Fox Chase Cancer
Center, wrote a great X and shell script for PPP called
MPPP and XMPPP. You can find it at this address:


I'll try to get a copy of my PAP and CHAP config files
for you, but they are well documented in the HOWTO


Louis A. Gallo
Network Manager
Diversified Prescription Delivery
Smith-Kline Beecham/Rite Aid Corporation
206 Welsh Road
Horsham PA 19044
Phone - (215)830-6578
FAX - (215)830-6631
Pager - (215)208-7091
Personal E-Mail - Datalore@BELLATLANTIC.NET

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