Juergen Fiedler on Mon, 11 Jan 1999 16:45:33 -0500 (EST)

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IP Masquerading and MSIE


After solving my initial PPP problems with your help, I installed IP
Masquerading. It worked quite nicely and I can do almost everything
Internet related on the Win95 machines on our LAN: I can ping and
traceroute other machines, I can use Netscape to browse the Web and I
can use WS_FTP to download files, and so on. Just about the only thing I
can't do is using Microsoft products like MSIE or Outlook - it seems
that all programs using the Internet settings of the Control Panel
cheerfully ignore the gateway. Still, my wife prefers to use those
programs. Does anybody know how to set MSIE et al. up to work through
the gateway?


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