Eric Windisch on Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:34:57 -0500 (EST)

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Re: IP Masquerading and MSIE

Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> Hi,
> After solving my initial PPP problems with your help, I installed IP
> Masquerading. It worked quite nicely and I can do almost everything
> Internet related on the Win95 machines on our LAN: I can ping and
> traceroute other machines, I can use Netscape to browse the Web and I
> can use WS_FTP to download files, and so on. Just about the only thing I
> can't do is using Microsoft products like MSIE or Outlook - it seems
> that all programs using the Internet settings of the Control Panel
> cheerfully ignore the gateway. Still, my wife prefers to use those
> programs. Does anybody know how to set MSIE et al. up to work through
> the gateway?
> TIA,
> Juergen

I may be wrong as I haven't used those products in a fair ammount of
time (currently use netscape and pine/fetchmail), but I believe you can
setup your gateway from within the program's own settings dialog box
(view menu > options possibly?) I know this isn't much info.. but maybe
someone that has used Windows more frequently then myself could help :)

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