Juergen Fiedler on Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:54:27 -0500 (EST)

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Re: IP Masquerading and MSIE

Well, I would be glad if I could get far enough to have your problems :/
I scrupulously followed the instructions in the mini-HOWTO (is there a
full one? Certainly not in my Slackware distribution). I set IE to
connect over the LAN, without using a proxy. Still no dice. Well, we'll
see what develops. At least it's good to know that it's doable.


Jack Wilkinson wrote:
> I've been successfully masquerading about 8 different systems for over
> two years, and have only had the following problems with MS clients:
> -MSIE does not finish downloads of larger graphics, etc (ie >150k)
> -MSO does not correctly send email with attachments larger than 50k.
> besides that though, the setup should work as done in the HOWTO.  Just
> make sure that you've set those programs up to connect through the LAN
> rather than through a modem.
> Good luck,
> Jack
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Jack Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
> President - JounceNET Internet Services
> Disinformation is not as good as datinformation.

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