Rob Kennedy on Wed, 13 Jan 1999 00:13:17 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Newbie - struggling with printer

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, artworks wrote:


What distribution are you using?  If you are using RedHat, the "printtool"
is very handy.  You can set up the printer with that, then take a look at
/etc/printcap to see what the right settings are.

I use RedHat for my 'workstation' at home, and slackware for my dial-out,
and have never tried setting up a printer on a slackware box.. It
shouldn't be that hard, but again, if you have redhat, give printtool a
shot.  (it's one of the 'tools' in control-panel.. some are useless.. but
that one is nifty)


 >    Typing  "lpr"
produces 'can't transfer to ps@art" (I used art > as my system id).    
>    My best guess is that my printer is on 'lp1' - this is the only
> port which I can use to make the printer respond at all. This 
> is not cpnsistant with my manuals which indicate that lp0 should 
> correspond to LPTR 1 - the DOS location. 

Rob Kennedy

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