LeRoy D. Cressy on Fri, 29 Jan 1999 15:48:03 -0500 (EST)

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Philadelphia Linux Users Group


TOPIC:  With the release of the new stable kernel, we will be 
        discussing the the differences between 2.2.0 and the
	2.0.X series of kernels.

	Also there seems to be a lot of interest in custom
	compiling your own kernel.  We will discuss how to
	compile a custom kernel and what items you want to
	compile as modules and what must be an integral part
	of the kernel.  Hopefully, I will update my kernel 
	from 2.2.0-pre2 to the latest.  During this discussion
	we will cover using ``make menuconfig'' and ``make
	xconfig.''  When I first compiled a kernel there were
	none of these great tools, just make config!

WHERE:  Cyberloft Cafe 
        1525 Walnut Street, 2nd floor 
        Philadelphia, PA        

When:   Wednesday February 3, 1999
        7 PM

COST:   None

PLUG:   Philadelphia Linux Users Group meets the first Wednesday 
        of every month.

Mostafa Eldefrawy (mostafa@netaxs.com) has been gracious and has 
provided PLUG with their meeting space.  For superior web page
design see http://www.cyberloft.com/

Hope to see you at the Cyberloft,

PS:	If you want to be removed from the mailing list, but still
	desire to be notified about the meetings please send me a
	private E Mail at ldc@netaxs.com

LeRoy Cressy

          0 0      
           "       Home Page:    http://www.netaxs.com/~ldc/
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