David L. Martin on Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:46:43 -0500 (EST)

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Re: win98&linux

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Roger Scudder wrote:
> In a nut shell... the idea is to install windows 98 first making sure to
> leave enough
> unused disk space for Linux; Configure any plug and play devices via
> Windows;
> Install Linux;  When installing LILO do NOT install it into the MBR.
> Instead, Install
> it on the Linux partition.

How does the LILO loader get called then?
You seem to be saying that Windows is going to give you the chance to run
LILO, did they actually allow for that?  If so where is that configured.
Can you tell I know nothing about Windows?

David L. Martin        <dlmarti@njcc.com>
R&D Software Engineer  http://pluto.njcc.com/~dlmarti

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