Joel A. Matz on Sat, 30 Jan 1999 15:45:28 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Laplink for Linux?

As far as getting your windows desktop in X,  check out VNC -

They have the GUI stuff down.  It requires TCP/IP, though, so you need
to be netowrked to the machine, even if it's through dialup PPP.

They also are GPL'd, so feel free to hack the thing for modem support. 
I'm sure they'd love to put it in the contribs area.


David L. Martin wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Martin DiViaio wrote:
> > There is a program for Win95 called LapLink. This program allows remote
> > file sharing, chat and GUI control between two computers. It can do this
> > either with a direct connection, a network or through a modem.
> As I under stand this it is simliar to pcanywhere, but goes through
> the printer port right?
> >
> > I am told that remote GUI control is possible between two Linux machines
> > with X but is such a thing possible between Win95 and Linux? If so, is
> > it possible through a modem connection? How would I set it up (for BOTH
> > machines?) (Keep in mind that I while I am learning fast, I am still new
> > to Linux.) If not, is there any sort of software package that can do it?
> > Even if the package can only go in one direction (Linux controlling
> > Win95) I can live with it.
> Linux-Linux is easy, I've got several machines and only one
> monitor/keyboard and it is so seamless I keep forgetting which machine I'm
> on.
> As far as Linux-Windoze I would consider the following:
>         1. ppp through a null modem cable.
>         2. network cards in both machines.
> Basically you goal is to provide a way of networking the two machines
> together.
> Once the network is up Windows->Linux is easy, both telnet and 'X'
> solutions should give you good conectivity to the Linux machine from
> Windoes.
> Unfortunately Mickeysoft has little to no connectivity built-in, any
> Linux->Windows connectivity will be limited to resource sharing, without
> spending money on clients and servers for the Windows machine.
> David L. Martin        <>
> R&D Software Engineer
> Serving coffee on aircraft causes turbulence.
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