Eugene Sotirescu on Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:12:21 -0500 (EST)

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Fwd: Improving Java/Linux support

I thought you'd find this exchange interesting (it's from the java-linux
list). The 1.2 refers to JDK 1.2, whose Linux port is eagerly awaited:

>Resent-Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:57:14 -0500
>Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:49:30 -0500 (EST)
>From: (Nelson Minar)
>To: Nathan Meyers <>
>Subject: Improving Java/Linux support
>X-Mailer: VM 6.62 under Emacs 19.34.1
>X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/5285
>>Judging from the volume of "when will 1.2 be ready?" messages, it's
>>clear that interest in the Blackdown work is reaching some sort of
>>critical mass.
>With 1.1.7, Linux is either the best or second best Unix platform for
>running Java. Solaris is obviously alright, but most of the other Java
>ports (SGI, Digital Unix, etc) have really bad problems. The Blackdown
>team has produced quality. Combine that with the general interest in
>Linux and you can see why Java on Linux is so desired. Heck, we even
>had one of Sun's big distributed Java gurus asking us when 1.2 would
>be ported for Linux :-)
>>Perhaps when the dust settles from the 1.2 port, it might be possible
>>to arrange more formal and detailed visibility into what work is
>>being done, what's under consideration, what's of interest, and progress.
>I'd like to see more information about the porting process myself, but
>that's asking the porting team to do even *more* work. The old rules
>for Java made doing a Linux-style port awkward; things had to be
>discussed in secret, code couldn't be released, etc. What's the impact
>of the new community source licensing? Maybe we can open up the
>porting process some? I haven't reviewed the licenses well enough.
>A second thing to watch is the growth of Japhar and Classpath. My
>impression is that this code is quality, that we might soon see a
>truly viable open source Java. Of course, I said that about Kaffe too,
>but that's never quite come to fruition.
>Another interesting option is to see if we can get financial support
>for the Linux porters. I was sort of hoping Sun would do this, by
>donating some engineers' time, but maybe that's not come together.
>Maybe some of the companies relying on Java/Linux could be convinced
>to chip in some money? That would again put more responsibility on the
>part of the porters, but in this case with a reward for doing it.
>.       .      .     .    .   .  . .


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