Alexander Shinn on Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:37:01 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Max file size in Linux?

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999 wrote:

> What's the Maximum file size limit in Linux? Our SCO OpenServer system
> hit the wall with a 2 gig file. Can Linux handle bigger files?

Well, an inode in the ext2 filesystem holds the addresses of 12 direct
blocks, 1 indirect block (which points to 256 direct blocks), 1 doubly
indirect block (pointing to 256 indirect blocks) and 1 triply indirect
block (256 doubly indirect blocks).  If all of these were used you could

12 + 256 + 256^2 + 256^3 = 16,843,020 blocks

or about 16 gigs.


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