LeRoy D. Cressy on Wed, 3 Mar 1999 12:22:35 -0500 (EST)

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Re: New user

Robert McGirr wrote:
> Hello, my name is Rob and I bought a copy of Linux 5.1 but
> it does not have support for Adaptec 7890 U2SCSI integrated
> on my motherboard. I am a true novice and have had no luck
> finding a boot disk with support for the 7890 or just a driver
> alone. I would greatly appreciate any help or advice.
> Thanks,
> Robert McGirr

Adaptic aic7xxx is supported by the linux kernel 2.2.1.  I'm not
familier wit red hat, but the configuration should support any aic 7xxx

You might have to do a kernel compile to include the scsi support.

BTW The PLUG meeting is tonight and you are welcome to come to the


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  • References:
    • New user
      • From: "Robert McGirr" <rpm@recomnet.net>