sc on Sat, 6 Mar 1999 12:40:51 -0500 (EST)

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Re: New user

As linux grows in popularity, there are going to be more very *newbie*-ish
questions.  This is a good thing for those of us who's sense of well-being
isn't regulated by how much more we know than others.  For others (hrdluk),
perhaps its time to move on to freeBSD; being that you're self-esteem is
inversely proportional to the popularity of your OS, you should feel rather
satisfied for quite some time.  And you won't turn off newbies to linux.


hrdluk wrote:

> Linux 5.1!!! WOW!!! Those hacker guys must be working their tails off.
> Didn't 2.2 just come out a few weeks ago?  Man, I have to go get
> it...can't wait to see all the changes, after three major revisions and
> all. Kinda funny they don't support your card after all those
> updates....oh well, maybe 5.2 will.
> --hrdluk
> On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Robert McGirr wrote:
> > Hello, my name is Rob and I bought a copy of Linux 5.1 but
> > it does not have support for Adaptec 7890 U2SCSI integrated
> > on my motherboard. I am a true novice and have had no luck
> > finding a boot disk with support for the 7890 or just a driver
> > alone. I would greatly appreciate any help or advice.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Robert McGirr
> >
> --
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